An industrial strength cleaner that must be diluted with water. Cleans ink, soil, grease dirt and oil. Safe on most surfaces such as ferrous metal, rubber, asphalt, concrete, upholstery and vinyl; when used as directed.
· Excellent on Most Surfaces
· Highly Concentrated
· Industrial Strength
Product must be diluted with at least equal parts water prior to use. Do not let cleaner dry on surface, rinse off while wet. Avoid spraying on aluminum wheels, chrome wheels or painted surfaces as product may stain, particularly when surfaces are hot.
Tires: spray directly on tires and let stand for a few seconds. Scrub white walls with tire brush if necessary. Rinse with high pressure spray.
Upholstery & Vinyl: Dilute with at least 5 parts water to 1 part cleaner or add 2-4 oz. to 1 gallon shampoo solution.