Completely safe and effective on both automotive paint and safely cleans clear coats. Note: should not be used on bare metal parts, brake calipers, wheel balancing weights, or some paint repairs. Mask off these areas. Avoid letting dry on any surface. Easy to use, and you can see it working! Iron Remover is a clear solution in the bottle, but it turns purple when it comes into contact with sintered iron particles. Turns the iron into a water-soluble complex for easy removal. KEEP OFF PLASTIC as product may
stain. After five minutes of dwell time, wipe down the surface and rinse thoroughly. After using, you can polish and clay your vehicle as you normally would. After your car is prepped properly with iron remover and one of our compounds or polishes, it is ready for wax, sealant, or other forms of surface protection.
· pH-balanced Formula
· Changes Color as it Cleans
DIRECTIONS: Wash the car or wheels surfaces, make sure surface is in cool temp. SHAKE WELL, spray on the surface. Rub it in with damp sponge thoroughly. Wait 5 min. while contaminants change its color to purple/red. Wipe off with damp soft sponge. Don’t let the Iron Remover dry completely on surface! Rinse well or power wash the whole surface. The vehicle is ready to clay now.